Tackling poverty through giving.

Oxfam Australia
Unwrapped Campaign
- Campaign Strategy
- Creative Direction
- Brand Development
- Verbal Branding
- Digital & Print Design

On a mission to do good
For the past 12 years, Oxfam Australia has been transforming lives through its hugely successful Unwrapped fundraising campaign. The campaign’s familiarity and time in market created an opportunity to reinvigorate and strengthen its impact, to re-engage loyal followers while extending its reach to new audiences. Ultimately empowering more families, and even entire communities with the resources they need to lift themselves out of poverty.

A duck? Perfect. Just what I needed.
Giving a gift is a joyful and exciting experience. Who doesn’t relish in giving a goat or even a heap of manure to a loved one or friend? Engaging through empathy we created a sense of place, emphasising the positive impact being made overseas while creating banter between the gift giver and receiver.

Making a difference through humour
Who can resist a good pun? Using Australian humour and our love of a clever pun we created a relatable and approachable tone of voice to connect and surprise. After all there’s a larrikin in all of us, why not use it for good.

Dan Evans, Motherbird DirectorAudience engagement was driven by creating a brand language and tone of voice that was relatable, human and warm.

Don’t worry, there’s one for you too Nan
Oxfam has an incredibly diverse audience of amazing supporters. Young, old, conservative, radical, it was important to appeal to them all. In total three ranges were introduced; a classic card, an illustrated card, and a photo card. Each of these tailored to appeal to a specific audience. Something for everyone and every occasion. Want to tell your friend how seedy they are? There’s a card for that.