Mate Act Now

Mate Act Now
Raising our collective middle finger to climate change.
This World Earth Day (today) we are participating in Mate Act Now to raise our collective middle finger against #climatechange. Our poster ‘Those Who Deny It Supply It’ points the finger squarely at those profiting from the destruction of our environment — we shouldn’t be living in a world where corporate wealth comes before planet health.
Mate Act Now = Climate Action Now. A poster protest for the digital generation. In response to the 2019/20 Australian bushfires, and recontextualised by the global outbreak of COVID-19, Mate Act Now is a co-ordinated response of over 100 designers from some of the world’s top creative studios to drive climate action. We know that a poster in itself can’t affect change. It is people’s actions that will make a difference. So if the world’s reaction to COVID-19 dispels any doubt we have about our ability to act when needed, the question now is: do we have the willpower to act against this?
Share the posters, buy the book & sign the manifesto! Our Creative Director Jack Mussett has also written the Foreword for the book.
Curated & Initiated by Chris Flack.